
Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 23 Hindu and Aboriginal Flood Stories

The Hindu Flood Story comes from the original Vedic writings. It is a very vivid and colorful story telling us about Manu who meets a tiny fish one day while bathing in the river. The fish gives Manu instructions on how he was to save men, animals and plants from a coming deluge by building a giant boat. The fish grows magically and eventually tows Manu to safety. In the Aboriginal Flood Story we meet a giant frog named Tiddalick who creates a drought by drinking all water in the ve flood.world. He later spews it out creating a massive flood. These two stories along with all the other stories point us to a worldwide flood event.

Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 22 Inca and Masai Flood Stories


Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 24 Native American Flood Story