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  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 1 Introduction

    This is the first introductory video in the series Messiah in the Old Testament. Finding Messiah presents here a foundation for the presentation of all the Messianic prophecies found in the Old Testament / Tanakh. In this episode we compare the Old Testament and the Tanakh, look at types of prophecies and provide the general format for our new exciting series.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 1 Introduction
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 2 Cherokee Creation Story

    Finding Messiah presents creation stories from around the world starting in the Cherokee Nation. These stories will lead to the creation story found in Genesis. The similarities between these creation stories and the Biblical Account show common origins. Listen to Dr. Smith recount colorful tales of creation from the four corners of the earth.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 2 Cherokee Creation Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 3 Chinese Creation Story

    Dr. Smith continues telling creation stories from around the world. From a giant cosmic egg to the creation of the heavens, earth and all mankind from the giant Pan Gu, the Chinese Creation Story brings us a step closer to the Biblical Creation Story and our first Messianic Prophecy.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 3 Chinese Creation Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 4 Babylonian Creation Story

    Found written on clay tablets in the ruins of the ancient library of Ashurbanipal, the Enuma Elish tells the creation story of creation from the Mesopotamian cultures. It is an exciting story full of monsters and epic battles. The Babylonian creation story is our next step in the march to the Biblical Creation Story.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 4 Babylonian Creation Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 5 Greek Creation Story

    Greek Mythology, including this creation story has influenced world cultures for millennia. From the union of Nyx and Erebos to Prometheus bringing fire from Mt. Olympus and Pandora opening her box, this story is familiar to most classically taught students. Listen to Dr. Smith tell this ancient tale in great detail. Hear the echoes of the Biblical Creation Story as told by Noah to his three sons.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 5 Greek Creation Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 6 Egyptian Creation Story

    Hidden, etched on the dark walls of burial chambers found in pyramids and other tombs is a story of creation linked with the journey of the dead in the afterlife. This story is now fully revealed. Listen as Dr. Smith recounts this amazing tale of how the original pyramid shaped ben-ben arose from the primordial sea, as dry land was separated from the deep waters. The Egyptian creation story bears this and many other similarities to the Biblical Creation Story.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 6 Egyptian Creation Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 7 Scientific Creation Story

    Taught in all the public schools and universities in the United States, this is the current creation story believed by many students here and around the world. Dr. Smith gives an extremely detailed and technical account of the unified scientific theory of the origins of man and the universe. This talk will be outdated very quickly as new theories are constantly accepted, then rejected. It is safe to say that the Scientific Creation Story is very fluid. This is the last story of creation before the Biblical Story is revealed and the Messianic Prophecies start flowing.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 7 Scientific Creation Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 8 The Biblical Creation Story

    "An expansive, explosive and extraordinarily vibrant story found in the first pages of the Tanakh" This is how Dr. Smith describes the Biblical Creation Story. This story reveals a beautiful picture of creation, but more importantly is reveals a beautiful picture of the Creator. Messiah is revealed through this entire story. Listen and picture Messiah speaking the words, "Be Light!" and there was light.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 8 The Biblical Creation Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 9 The First Revelation of Messiah

    The very first verse in the Old Testament reveals Messiah as Creator. Dr. Smith explains the mystery of Elohim's name and how it points to God as a father figure, God as a Spirit and God as Messiah. Some first century Jewish scholars agree with his assessment. Watch this amazing presentation of the first and one of the most important Messianic prophecies.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 9 The First Revelation of Messiah
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 10 The Garden of Eden

    The Garden of Eden has a very storied past, present and future. Conditions inside the garden were perfect. Discover the history of the Garden of God before the creation of the world. Watch as Dr. Smith tells the story of the White Ram that was created at twilight on the sixth day of creation.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 10 The Garden of Eden
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 11 God's Redemptive Plan

    Sin entered the Garden of Eden bringing judgment and curses. Elohim's judgment of Adam and Eve was mixed with mercy. Death could have come swiftly. Elohim could have decided to start over. In his judgments Elohim revealed his redemptive plan for mankind. Join Dr. Smith as he presents God's Redemptive Plan.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 11 God's Redemptive Plan
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 12 Sacrificial Systems

    Sacrificial systems were established from the first sacrifice made in the Garden of Eden. The history of the Levitical System can be traced through the Old Testament from it's beginning to the impartation to Moses on Mount Sinai. It is important to understand sacrificial systems from around the world and compare them to the Levitical System. Watch as Dr. Smith tells more stories from around the world including some from his own experiences.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 12 Sacrificial Systems
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 13 Messiah's Sacrifice Adam to Isaac

    All sacrificial systems originated in the Garden of Eden. There is only one system that we know the history from start to finish. It is the Jewish system described in the Tanakh. Join Dr. Smith on a detailed and colorful journey through this history. This episode covers Elohim's first sacrifice up to Abraham's sacrifice.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 13 Messiah's Sacrifice Adam to Isaac
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 14 Messiah's Sacrifice Isaac to Messiah

    All sacrificial systems originated in the Garden of Eden. There is only one system that we know the history from start to finish. It is the Jewish system described in the Tanakh. Join Dr. Smith on a detailed and colorful journey through this history. This episode covers from Abraham's sacrifice until the end of the sacrificial system and looks forward to Messiah's ultimate sacrifice.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 14 Messiah's Sacrifice Isaac to Messiah
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 15 Cain and Abel Part 1 The Fiery Sword

    Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. Their access back to the Tree of Life was blocked by Guardian Cherubim and a fiery sword that flashed back and forth. This sword represents judgment. Dr. Smith reveals the Messianic prophecy related to this supernatural sword.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 15 Cain and Abel Part 1 The Fiery Sword
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 16 Cain and Abel Part 2 Messiah's Mark of Protection

    Cain became a farmer while his brother Abel became a herdsman. Both boys grew up learning about sacrifices. When it came time for sacrifices to be made Abel offered the choicest fat from the firstborn of his flock while Cain offered some produce from his field. Elohim rejected Cain's offering. In a jealous rage he killed his brother. Learn from Dr. Smith how Cain was offered a way back to reconciliation through obedience and when he refused his rebellion led him to sin, rage and murder. Through mercy and grace Elohim offered Cain a mark, a promise of protection. Learn in this episode the prophetic significance of this mark.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 16 Cain and Abel Part 2 Messiah's Mark of Protection
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 17 The Antediluvian World Part 1 Cain's Unrighteous Line

    The genealogy of Cain reveals an ugly truth about his line. Five generations after Cain, a gangster named Lamech, bragged that he killed a young man for wounding him. He said if Cain is avenged 7 times then Lamech is avenged 77 times. It is pretty clear that the prophesied Messiah would not come from the unrighteous line of Cain. Join Dr. Smith as he takes back into the pre-flood world of murder and mayhem.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 17 The Antediluvian World Part 1 Cain's Unrighteous Line
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 18 The Antediluvian World Part 2 Seth's Righteous Line

    Seth's genealogy is quite different than his cursed brother. His line was a righteous line filled with righteous men who were types of Messiah. Many members of the line had a name with special meaning. Join Dr. Smith as he shows you these meanings and reveals many Messianic prophecies related to the lives of Enoch and Noah who were types of Messiah.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 18 The Antediluvian World Part 2 Seth's Righteous Line
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 19 Impending Judgment Part 1 Sin and Violence Fill the Earth

    In the run up to the worldwide flood, sin and violence filled up the earth. Adam's sin resulted in judgment and curses. Cain's sin resulted in judgment and curses. This process continued until the whole world faced impending judgment. What led Elohim to make the executive decision to destroy all men and animals with the breath of life in them? Find out as Dr. Smith presents this interesting and exciting episode.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 19 Impending Judgment Part 1 Sin and Violence Fill the Earth
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 20 Impending Judgment Part 2 Hope and Deliverance

    In the midst of a world filled murder and mayhem, Noah found favor in the eyes of Elohim. Find out why Elohim pivoted from a promise to destroy every creature on the earth with the breath of life in it to preserving a righteous remnant. Watch as Dr. Smith reveals a burst of Messianic prophecies surrounding Noah the righteous preacher.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 20 Impending Judgment Part 2 Hope and Deliverance
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 21 Flood Stories From Around The World - Introduction

    We have collected flood stories from around the world. They come from every continent and from every major culture. After reviewing over a hundred stories we discovered that most stories contain eight similar elements. These elements parallel those found in the Biblical Story. Each story is like a data point in our review of flood stories. The diversity of geographic location and culture leads us to the conclusion that all these flood stories point back to a single source story. A story that was told after the worldwide deluge, then repeated generation after generation, spreading out throughout the earth. The original source story is the one that Noah's descendants including Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses told their offspring. It is the story we read in the book of Genesis.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 21 Flood Stories From Around The World - Introduction
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 22 Inca and Masai Flood Stories

    These stories from the Andes Mountains of South American and the Steppes of Eastern Africa tell us of a worldwide flood event. The Inca story tells us about a llama herder and his llamas. They are sad and depressed because they know a flood is coming.They warn our hero who through his actions save humanity from calamity. The Masai story tells us about Tumbainot who was chosen by God to build a giant boat to save his two wives and six sons from the flood that covers the earth. He saves a remnant of men and animals on his boat.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 22 Inca and Masai Flood Stories
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 23 Hindu and Aboriginal Flood Stories

    The Hindu Flood Story comes from the original Vedic writings. It is a very vivid and colorful story telling us about Manu who meets a tiny fish one day while bathing in the river. The fish gives Manu instructions on how he was to save men, animals and plants from a coming deluge by building a giant boat. The fish grows magically and eventually tows Manu to safety. In the Aboriginal Flood Story we meet a giant frog named Tiddalick who creates a drought by drinking all water in the ve He later spews it out creating a massive flood. These two stories along with all the other stories point us to a worldwide flood event.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 23 Hindu and Aboriginal Flood Stories
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 24 Native American Flood Story

    Native American Tribes from Northern Canada down to Texas and from coast to coast tell versions of the same exact same flood story. This story features a hero of great standing that defeats a fearsome water serpent deity and then survives the wrath of other deities that heave water on him to punish him. This causes flooding of the entire earth. He and all the good animals are saved by a beautiful young maiden who is guiding a watercraft. With the help of the animals, the earth is recreated and repopulated.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 24 Native American Flood Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 25 Chinese Flood Story

    The Gun Yu Myth is a story that explains the origin of the Chinese dynasties. In the 24th century BCE an emperor battles flooding that is tearing his society apart. Through the use of magic self-expanding soil Gun tries to hols back the flood waters. His failure to control the inundation leads to the appointment of a new emperor and the banishment of Gun. His son Yu hailed as a genius engineer, with the aid of water spirits diverts the flood waters into the ocean. A regional story from the south of China, called the Miao Flood Story, tells about the capture of Lei Gong. the god of thunder. Through the compassion of the hero of the story, Lei Gong escapes and mankind is saved from a worldwide flood meted out in punishment by Yu Shi god of rain.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 25 Chinese Flood Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 26 Babylonian Flood Story

    Hailed as the oldest recorded deluge story, the Babylonian flood story provides a very detailed account of an ancient king who achieved immortality by building a boat to save mankind from a worldwide flood. The story is remarkably close to the biblical account of Noah yet the differences are quite glaring. Learn why Dr. Smith rejects the notion that the Babylonians came up with the original flood story and then everyone else copied it.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 26 Babylonian Flood Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 27 The Babylonian Flood Story Part 2

    Gilgamesh is seeking to become immortal. He finds a man named Utanapishtim who has achieved that very feat. In the telling of his story we learn the Babylonian Flood Story. This story has been used as an attempt to disprove and dismantle the Old Testament, calling it a collection of myths and stories co-opted from the Babylonians. Dr. Smith takes this subject head on by describing the historical and archaeological evidence supporting the early origins of the Tanakh.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 27 The Babylonian Flood Story Part 2
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 28 Greek Flood Story

    The Greek flood story is an extension of the Greek creation story. The story has similarities to the Babylonian flood story and many scholars believe that the Greeks borrowed it from the Babylonians. At the beginning of this episode Dr. Smith makes a critical comparison between the Babylonian stories and the Hebrew stories. He compares the loving and compassionate Elohim versus the hateful and vindictive Babylonian pantheon.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 28 Greek Flood Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 29 Egyptian Flood Story

    The Egyptian Flood Story is called "The Destruction of Mankind." Parts of this story can be found in pyramids and tombs. The most famous inscription from this story appears on the back wall of King Tut's burial chamber. While this story does not describe a worldwide flood, it does contain elements that fit consistently with the elements of other flood stories flood stories. This is the last flood story we will tell before we present the Biblical story of Noah and his Ark.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 29 Egyptian Flood Story
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 30 Biblical Flood Story Part 1 The Three Phenomena Full

    The Biblical Flood Story is the gold standard against which we have compared all the other flood stories that we have collected from around the world. In this episode we take you right up to the closing of the door on the ark. Elohim tells Noah, "Go! Enter the ark" and in so doing reveals to us a Messianic Prophecy. Genesis describes for us three phenomena that had never been seen on the earth before this event. These phenomena happened simultaneously to create Elohim's flood of purification and judgment.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 30 Biblical Flood Story Part 1 The Three Phenomena Full
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 31 Biblical Flood Story Part 2 The Ark Of Salvation

    The Biblical Flood Story embodies numerous Messianic Prophecies. We learn in this episode how the ark is a type representing Messiah. There are five prophecies directly related to the ark. Join us as we find out what happens when Elohim shuts the door on the ark to the evil outside. Noah and all his companions then ride out the flood in peace and safety.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 31 Biblical Flood Story Part 2  The Ark Of Salvation
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 32 The Life Is In The Blood

    This episode covers Dr. Smith's favorite Messianic Prophecy. Learn the progression of events leading to the eventual Levitical Sacrificial System. The lifeblood of humans and animals is special and sacred. Humans are not allowed to eat meat with the lifeblood still in it. Animals and humans alike are not allowed to spill the blood of humans.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 32 The Life Is In The Blood
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 33 Sign Of The Rainbow

    The rainbow is a symbol of Elohim's love for his creation. See how the rainbow set in the sky testifies to Elohim's promise not to destroy the world with a flood. It also points us to Messiah's sacrifice and our salvation.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 33 Sign Of The Rainbow
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 34 The Post-Flood Era The City and Tower on the Shinar Plain

    There are three pivotal events that happened in the post-flood era. Each event is associated with one or more Messianic prophecies. Join Dr. Smith as he brings to life the construction of the city of Babylon and the Tower of Babel and then reveals their prophetic significance. See what happens when Elohim comes to visit the construction project.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 34 The Post-Flood Era The City and Tower on the Shinar Plain
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 35 The Post-Flood Era The Table of the Nations

    In response to the pride and disobedience demonstrated by the offspring of Shem, Ham and Japheth in their construction project on the Shiner Plain, Elohim confused their languages and dispersed or scattered them throughout the earth. Join Dr. Smith as he systematically shows you where everyone went as described in the Table of The Nations and reveals the Messianic Prophecies associated with this pivotal event.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 35 The Post-Flood Era The Table of the Nations
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 36 The Post-Flood Era The Division of the Earth During Peleg's Lifetime Full

    The Messianic Line, which started with Adam and travelled through righteous men like Enoch, Methuselah, Noah and Shem, continues in this episode up to Abram. Each of the names of Shem's offspring foretell worldwide events. Join Dr. Smith as he reveals the meaning of those names and shows us how they map out the world-changing, pivotal events of their time. He will then reveal all of the Messianic Prophecies associated with those events and those names.
    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 36 The Post-Flood Era The Division of the Earth During Peleg's Lifetime Full
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 37 Job's Character Revealed

    The Book of Job contains 24 Messianic Prophecies. This treasure trove of prophecies gives us the most complete picture yet of Messiah as the Suffering Servant. Job joins his ancestors Enoch and Noah as types of Messiah. In this Episode we learn about Job's amazing Character. Seven attributes of his nature point us to Messiah who will possess those same attributes. These attributes or characteristics are an example for us today in how we should build our own characters and conduct our lives.

    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 37 Job's Character Revealed
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 38 Job's Character Tested

    Job faced intense trials. His character was tested to its limits. Job faced loss of his wealth, family and status. His character was so strong and secure that Satan could not goad him into blaming God for his troubles or cursing God for his pain and suffering. In so doing Job did not sin and was later rewarded. In Job's testing we find nine Messianic Prophecies relating to the suffering Messiah will face when he comes. Join Dr. Smith as we explore more Job Prophecies.

    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 38 Job's Character Tested
  • Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 39 Job's Character Rewarded

    After suffering immense loss and enduring unbearable pain Job emerged without blaming or accusing God for his troubles. He refused to curse God even as his wife encouraged him to do so. He did not sin. Sitting in his ash pit, covered with ashes, he reflects on death. In this episode we explore the view of death held by the cultures surrounding Job. We discover Job's concept of death as well. Elohim assigns blame to his friends that have gathered to comfort him and elevates Job to be mediator on their behalf. Job is then rewarded for his obedience with twice as much wealth as he had before his trials. Join Dr. Smith as he discovers eight more Messianic Prophecies revealed after Job's friends arrive.

    Messiah In The Old Testament Episode 39 Job's Character Rewarded